Forum: Team 3DNow! SETI
Topic: Setting up a Ramdisk under Windows NT
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Colin Morey posted 02-04-2000 17:16 ET (US)
Can anyone here give me instructions on how to setup a ramdisk under NT, and have it auto copy itself to the harddrive every half hour or so???

Colin morey

Argos posted 02-05-2000 04:35 ET (US)
The problem is that NT does not come with a RamDisk driver. So if you want to set one up, you'll have to get a third-party driver. Unfortunately, I have no experience with them under NT, so I can't recommend one.
Franklin A. Childers posted 02-05-2000 07:14 ET (US)
There a a couple listed at,10150,0-10001-103-0-1-7,00.html?tag=st%2Edl%2E10001%2Esbsr&qt=ramdisk&cn=&ca=10001

have not tried them so good luck - Frank

[This message has been edited by Franklin A. Childers (edited February 05, 2000).]

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