Forum: Team 3DNow! SETI
Topic: Hello
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Name Post
Franklin A. Childers posted 07-08-2000 23:13 ET (US)
The silence has finally got to me so lets start a hello thread. If you are here say hello!
- Frank
Trickster posted 07-08-2000 23:44 ET (US)
Hello Frank. I've been trying to figure out why my PII laptop just went from 10 hr WU's to 24 hr WU's. Any recommendations on where I should look for help? I've tried reinstalling, shutting down all other processes, running SetiSpy, TaskInfo2000, System Monitor and other utilities and I can't find the problem.
BKman posted 07-09-2000 13:38 ET (US)
Hello Trickster.
Most mobile cpu's have a "auto halt" feature to minimize power consumption during idle times. I disabled this feature on my laptop (with a 266 Tillamook)using RawPower and the WU processing times went from 40+h to 19h. RawPower can be found at
fredro posted 07-09-2000 13:57 ET (US)
bkman, good answer.
wl6538 posted 07-11-2000 05:13 ET (US)
We reached 90000 WU, it shouldn't be too long before we reach the big 100000!
fredro posted 07-18-2000 23:12 ET (US)
is anyone else there? is this all the readers of the seti forum? dont be bashful, just a simple hello. hehe
DanBall posted 07-19-2000 10:18 ET (US)
Ok, I'm here.... Hello there. Also of note I have completed 561 WU for a total of 7389 hours.
DanBall posted 07-19-2000 20:49 ET (US)
Hello again, update of WU's finished is 563 at a total of 7409 hours.
wl6538 posted 07-20-2000 03:04 ET (US)
what is your user name in our team? I can't find you in the list.
DanBall posted 07-20-2000 06:51 ET (US)
That's because I'm not in the list. Click here for my stats

[This message has been edited by DanBall (edited July 20, 2000).]

Akma posted 07-20-2000 15:28 ET (US)
I've been busy just existing lately and haven't run Seti on my age-old machine (which is from the last century) for ages, but there's always time for a quick hello, so 'Hello'
wl6538 posted 07-21-2000 03:20 ET (US)
Don't worry, not many people has those 1Ghz machines from "this" century yet.
fredro posted 07-21-2000 14:02 ET (US)
i hope to add a age old cyrix pr233 sometime this weekend. and if i find a atx case next week, i`ll add another 466mhz system.
CASC member posted 07-24-2000 12:48 ET (US)

Wazzzzzzup :-)

Everyones chillin

I got a question, why does setiteam 1.5e show us with higher total units than the setiathome web page.
At this very moment in time and space the web site says we have 91529 units and setiteam says we have 93328 units.

Just askin.

Be good or be good at it .


BKman posted 07-24-2000 20:09 ET (US)
To anser your question here is a quote from the Seti@home group statistic page:

"6/29/00 Note: Many users have noticed the number of workunits processed by a team is significantly different than the sum of the workunits processed by its users. This is due to a backlog of team statistics that we are currently working on clearing. Thank you for your patience."

Well, sound like they've lost their calculators.

Mort posted 08-12-2000 17:07 ET (US)

I'm Sorry I haven't been around recently (busy finishing University, deciding what to do now, etc.)

Did I miss anything?

wl6538 posted 08-12-2000 19:37 ET (US)
I've just finished as well, now what do I do with my life?
Mort posted 08-12-2000 20:12 ET (US)
Good question. I hate how everyone else seems to know what to do, and how they took the right degree for whatever it is they want to do. I, however, took a degree that I loathed. Now I find that everything I am qualified for is work that I would never want to do. I wish I had taken a year out before University and thought where it was all going.

Bit of a cliche, but, I keep wishing I was 12 years old again, so I could change it all.

I don't know about you but just looking at careers depresses me.

fredro posted 08-26-2001 06:38 ET (US)
wl6538 posted 08-26-2001 16:21 ET (US)
...and you've revived a 1 year old thread!
fredro posted 08-27-2001 18:56 ET (US)
and it got a response. ;-)
Martin posted 08-29-2001 15:14 ET (US)
A big!!! Hello from the United Kingdom, England....
BKman posted 08-30-2001 17:28 ET (US)
Hello!! There was a short article about the current status and future plans of the seti@home project on the news site of the c't magazine (in german). /
DanBall posted 08-30-2001 20:35 ET (US)
Hello, there again. I now have 1211 WU's completed. A total of 1.39yrs

[This message has been edited by DanBall (edited August 30, 2001).]

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