Forum: Team 3DNow! SETI
Topic: Duron is flying
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CASC member posted 05-22-2001 15:30 ET (US)
Hi fredro

I finally got my duron 600 going .
I got a great deal on a MSI K7T Turbo board .
This board supports the 266mhz fsb with cpu options over 1.5ghz.
Its the SDram version not the DDR ram version. I did the pencil trick and it worked like a charm.
I am now clocked at 800mhz now. Later in the week i'll go for 850 then try upping the FSB.

Is seti using more complicated units ?

When i first plugged this duron 600 in at 600 i was getting approx 9 to 10hrs per unit, now its taking 10 to 11hrs per unit at 800mhz...hmmmmmm.
I am shooting for numbers like Danball is getting.

Danball, my duron 600 @ 800 is running under load 34c and 31c idle with a Globalwin FOP38 and delta fan. what temps is your running ?



DanBall posted 05-22-2001 15:44 ET (US)
It depends on what time of day it is. Right now since it is 70F outside it is running at 120F with SETI running, if it is 85F outside and the A/C isn't on, it will be 131F.

My idle temps are about 89F-93F, because I edited register 52 to EB with WPCREDIT and had it to run at startup with WPCRSET (go to Paul's KT7-FAQ to download it, and AthlonOC has an article on how to use WPCREDIT)

My Duron 600@900, 1.600v, gets WU's anywhere from 6.5 hours to 10.25 hours

[This message has been edited by DanBall (edited May 22, 2001).]

wl6538 posted 05-22-2001 16:20 ET (US)
My The TX-97 mobo for the K6-III has finially died after 4 years of service, so naturally I progress to a Duron system and it is running 800@1050.

It usually takes 6 hours for a WU and the temp at full load is 55c according to the sensor on the mobo.

The cooler is CoolerMaster 6H51 and about once every few hours it will crash on me. The Vcore has to be set to 1.85V or else the system won't finish loading windows at 1050Mhz!

Martin posted 05-22-2001 16:23 ET (US)

Also got my Duron runing (750@1000)200ddr, Core 1.99v temp 48c(ocbios) can also run at 933mhz 266bus, mother-board MSI K7T Turbo board non-rad.

Seti times....

Low angle units, Angle range 0.019 just done 7 of them, starting with unit name : 01ja01aa.***

Time taken 70hours.

[This message has been edited by Martin (edited June 05, 2001).]

wl6538 posted 05-22-2001 16:24 ET (US)
Oh sorry I misread the topic, I thought it say "Duron is frying"!
fredro posted 05-22-2001 18:36 ET (US)
glad you have it running. i cut the bridges on my duron 700 and now have it running at 954mhz, any faster and its not stable. thats a very good overclock. seti times average between 6.5 and 11hrs.
CASC member posted 05-22-2001 23:28 ET (US)

I just sold my K6 III 400 to get the mobo and a CD-RW, the P5A just keeps going strong, although i did notice a increase in screen rendering quality with the newer AGP chipset, a nice surprise.
I have a ATI Rage128 16mb AGP
And best of all i just got steering wheel working again, time to do some racing on my new speedy system.

Hey Martin,

which oc bios is it your using ?
is it MSI's 6330v10b16 ?
is this bios self installing ?
i did update my bios online to 26, that was a breeze .
i haven't had to put my sound blaster PCI 128 card in yet, the onboard audio seems to have less noise than the card and sounds just as good.

This i found kinda weird, a computer store in local Toronto is selling Duron 650, 700 and 750's for $79.00ea cdn .


Martin posted 05-23-2001 12:12 ET (US)
Hi John

Try your Duron 600 at 266bus 1.8v core 6x133= 798mhz and burn in for one month, then go for higher speed also keep a check on cpu temperature, I wouldn’t recommend flashing to ocbios if your current bios version 2.6 is working.

My system; MSI K7 Turbo 6330v3.0 motherboard

Full tower case
*New EG365P-VE Enermax 350 watt ATX power supply, dual fans venting {+3.3 & +5v 185w}*
Three YTech 120cm case fans at 5v, two YTech 80cm fans,
Fans 3 Blowing cold air in & 3 Blowing hot air out, New *Taisol CGK760092 with copper insert*, Artic Silver past on CPU & VIA 133a chipset under orange heat sink.
Ram 256mb pc133 3-3-3
AGP Maxi Gamer Xentor 135mhz 128bit TNT2, 16mb 166mhz synchronous ram
Linksys network card 10/100
TV card
On board sound via
Windows 98se, ie5.5, Dx8.1
Diamond Maxtor 20.4gig 5400spin 512k-cache udma 66
Ricoh 8x8x32 cdr/rw
Creative 5x DVD
Mitsumi 48x
Duron 750/1000 core 1.99v temp *45c under load, case 22c, board 22c

Ocbios will not self-install… (W6330v10b16). To install download file, make bootable floppy disk format a:/s. Double click on downloaded file (extract files) copy over to boot disk, boot from boot disk at dos prompt type
A:/ awfl789.10g /nbl
& Hit return flashing will begin.
{Do not switch computer off during flashing}.
Flash at your own risk…

(Down side running at 266 front side bus using ocbios, PCI bus runs at 48mhz, I was having problems getting on the net with my diamond 56k pci modem, so I went back to 200ddr bus).

There is also a problem with cold booting due to multiply issue with this board when overclocking view below link.

I will be flashing back to official bios ver2.7 when I join up all L7 bridges for 1.85v core volt, bios version 2.6 & 2.7 max core voltage allowed 1.8v= to 1.94v. I need the extra 0.5v for stable windows. Looking forward to next CPU upgrade around august when the desktop version palomino core should be available.

[This message has been edited by Martin (edited June 05, 2001).]

Martin posted 05-25-2001 17:51 ET (US)

Just tested my Duron 750mhz yet again at 7.5x multiply 266bus & yes now running at 1000mhz, one month rapid burning @ 1.99core, using SETI@home.

Also back using bios version 2.7 on my microstar k7 turbo mainboard.


CASC member posted 05-26-2001 13:31 ET (US)
I got mine clocked at 100 x 8.5 = 850mhz without a hitch, not to shabby for a duron 600.
i have my Vcore set at 1.65v using bios 26 .
My cpu idle temp is 33c and loaded doing seti is 38c

Duron 600 @ 850
MSI K7T Turbo
Globalwin FOP 38 w/delta fan
Panaflow case fan (very quiet)
Quicksilver II thermal paste
Quantum KA+ 7200rpm 9.1gig
Samsung 8x4x32 cd-rw
sohoware 10/100 nic
onboard AC-97 audio
ATX 300w case
Thrustmaster T2 wheel w/pedals
Mag 15" trinitron

On monday i am gonna try the 266mhz bus setting going for that 1000mhz mark.
Man that would be a nice bonus to reach that speed. I gotta read up some more on that burnin thing.

David Coulthard got pole in Monaco for Sundays F1 race
Go Mclaren Go


DanBall posted 05-29-2001 01:08 ET (US)
I was thinking of eventually buying a 1GHz T-Bird when I get a more powerful PSU
CASC member posted 05-30-2001 11:43 ET (US)
I got my duron 600@866, 6.5 x 133mhz fsb.
My vcore is at 1.65volts although it was running just fine at 1.63volts.
This is some of the easiest overclocking i have ever done, every setting i have tried so far works.
This weekend i'm gonna cut a hole in the side of my case and pump fresh cold filtered air right to the cpu and then go for that 1ghz mark.
A 1gig tbird on the 266mhz bus would be a nice addition, at least now i can upgrade to that speed.
Now i just gotta work on getting a decent vid card. I have a ATI Rage 128 16mb AGP 2x, i did 3DMark2001 and i got a 1448 marks, my card didn't support 4 benching tests in the series, pretty lame.


Martin posted 05-30-2001 12:44 ET (US)
Just completed 10 seti@home units using 750 Duron at 1000mhz 7.5x 266Bus VIA 133a chipset. Average time taken per unit 6hr 57 minutes, memory timing set to 3.

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