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  AMD K6-2 333mhz only runs 58:41 WUs

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Author Topic:   AMD K6-2 333mhz only runs 58:41 WUs
Celeron Worshipper
posted November 19, 1999 12:32     Click Here to See the Profile for louis`wu     Edit/Delete Message
I have an AMD K6-2 333mhz 3D Now! CPU which takes 58:41 avg per WU (4 WUs completed). My system's CPU/FFP performance seems to be the major problem. Started SETI@home recently w/ GUI 1.06 (running constantly, minimized, no screensaver); just changed to CLI 1.3 (1.3.i386-winnt-cmdline.exe), though after ~20 hours processing there is no improvement (per my own simple %/time tests & SETIWatch & SETISpy). The speeds don't change more than a few % whether using GUI or CLI, nor whether I'm using the computer or not, and when I'm not using the computer S@H is the ONLY thing running, not even the SETI info apps. Poor CPU/FFP performance is indicated by low (avg ~9.3) MegaFLOPs/sec reported by both SETIWatch & SETISpy, and a high, bad (~30-33) CPU cycles/FLOP Processing Efficiency per SETISpy. I've thoroughly ransacked about a dozen sites so far, both directly SETI@home related & also about specific systems & performance, and from my understanding of the various comparisons & testings & postings I've read, I think my K6-2, especially with the 512KB secondary cache, should be performing much better, at the very very least in the low 30s per WU.

I'm running Win98, not SE, but I do have all the avail updates/patches/fixes from MS. I've got an HP Pavilion 6356; AMD K6-2 333mhz 3D Now! CPU; 64KB primary (level 1, on CPU) & 512KB secondary (level 2, on MB) caches; ASUS Puma MB w/ 5598 SiS chipset; 66mhz Bus; 64MB (66mhz/10ns) SDRAM -- though ATI Rage Pro UMA video uses 4MB, so effective 60MB RAM (using Rambooster helps with this); EIDE 4.3GB HDD, older 1.5GB slaved HDD; Sound Blaster 64 AWE; 56k/v90 PCI (boo hiss) winmodem. I've set a permanent, contiguous 120MB swap file, (pushing the sys xtra hard it maxed at ~100MB, added a 20MB 'just-in-case' overhead); and the swap file has been optimized to the outer cylinders. I double-checked today at both the HP & BIOS sites and I've already got the latest & greatest avail BIOS flash/upgrade for my sys.

OK, so what am I missing? Any help very much appreciated! thanx, louis`wu

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Follower of Athlon
posted November 19, 1999 16:56     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
it looks like you covered all the basics, check your ram timings in the bios, set them for fast faster or turbo. also make sure your L2 cache is enabled.

[This message has been edited by fredro (edited November 19, 1999).]

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CASC member
Follower of Athlon
posted November 19, 1999 22:21     Click Here to See the Profile for CASC member     Edit/Delete Message
Check that when you are in the screen saver "settings" and not the energy savings features of monitor and check the "Go to blank screen" box and set to "0" minutues, i think this is your problem, this caused about the same horrible times on my K6-2 350 .

In the seti option be sure to have the more than 64mb of ram option on, this will give a speed increase also.

And like fredro said , check your ram timing in the bios .

when you start up your system, what is running when you hit ctrl+alt+del ??

I hope this helps


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Celeron Worshipper
posted November 20, 1999 02:06     Click Here to See the Profile for louis`wu     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you fredro & John for your responses-

As advised, I rechecked my BIOS settings; unfortunantly, however, to no avail.
Phoenix BIOS; Core Version: 4.06; BIOS Revision: 1.10 02/12/99
While the RAM is recognized, ("Installed Memory: 64MB; Memory Bank 0: 32 MB SDRAM; Memory Bank 1: 32 MB SDRAM"), there are no 'changeable options' associated with RAM. RAM is just listed there, you can't 'get to it' or 'highlight it' or 'change' it. I looked throughout the BIOS settings & there doesn't seem to be any option to 'change RAM timings' present.
Same thing with the L2 cache, it & the CPU are recognized, ("CPU Type: AMD-k6(tm)-2; CPU Speed: 333mhz; Cache RAM: 512kb"), but there is no opportunity to 'enable' or 'disable' it, its just listed there. While there I double-checked that I have disabled Power Management entirely, (I've done this not only in BIOS but in Windows as well). {The only 'changeable option' in BIOS that I didn't understand was "Reset Configuration Data: No", No was the default & I left it set that way, the description is "Select 'Yes' if you want to clear the Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) area."}

I'm running S@H client CLI 1.3, though even when I was running GUI 1.06 it was set to run all the time, it was not set to run as a screensaver. Also, in Display Properties, I have "(none)" selected for screensaver, no screensaver at all, no 'themes' or other silliness, (I just turn off the monitor if I'm not using it). As previously mentioned all Power Management, Sleep/Suspend Modes &/or Energy Savings are disabled entirely.

John said, "In the seti option be sure to have the more than 64mb of ram option on, this will give a speed increase also." Huh? If you are referring to the 'Data analysis always runs, recommended only for computers with 64MB of RAM or higher' option in the GUI 1.06 client, then when I was running that client that is the setting I had selected; though I'm running CLI 1.03 now.

Per the 'Close Program' window invoked by Ctrl-Alt-Del, at bootup, & when I'm not using the computer, the only items running are Explorer, Systray, Em_exec (my cordless Logitech mouse driver), and the S@H CLI 1.3 client. When I finish using the computer and am leaving it to run only S@H I always shut down for a few minutes in the hope to clear out all mem, though even when not running anything else the S@H client doesn't speed up by more than a few %, if at all.

Please, keep the ideas coming! This is such a wonderful, honorable project, and I want to increase my contribution. Besides, I have a friend with an old P1 32MB RAM who is turning in 32 hour WUs, smoking my AMD K6-2 333mhz 3D Now! turning in 59 hour WUs; this is intolerable!, lol. Thanx again to fredro & John and thanx in advance for any further help -- louis`wu

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Celeron Worshipper
posted November 20, 1999 09:16     Click Here to See the Profile for NormanK     Edit/Delete Message
Just kick the systray.exe. Won't solve your problem, but takes *some* performance and (imho) makes the system even more (yes! that's possible! ;-) ) instable. It's associated with the powermanagement, so you don't need it!
If you're renaming it instead of deleting (as I usually do, too) make sure W98 doesn't change the filename, too! (sometimes it's smart when you don't want it to...)


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Follower of Athlon
posted November 20, 1999 15:04     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
one other thing you can do is go to the website of your motherboard manufacture and see if they have some updated drivers, or bios update.

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CASC member
Follower of Athlon
posted November 20, 1999 17:06     Click Here to See the Profile for CASC member     Edit/Delete Message
This is my setup when running SETI

in energy saving features settings i have set
system standby = 5 min
Turn off monitor = 1 min
turn off hard disks = 3 min

In screen saver i have
SETI@home as screen saver start in 1 min
under settings set to
"go to blank screen"
"minutes to go blank = 0 min"

I don't believe that the system bus would affect the speed that much on your system.

I'm gonna get the manual for your mobo and see if there is any tweaks in the bios for it.

I'm using a Asus P5A w/K62-350 but i have a Ali chipset and not the SIS, i have to see the manual.

Try using those settings above and see if it makes a difference.

I also have a mouse driver in the systray so i don't think it could bog the system down much.

Catchya soon


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Follower of Athlon
posted November 20, 1999 18:21     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
hey has anyone played q3demotest yet? its even better than q3test. i did to much fragin today again. also lost a hardrive on the k62 266mhz. may be a few days getting that thing running.

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CASC member
Follower of Athlon
posted November 21, 1999 03:11     Click Here to See the Profile for CASC member     Edit/Delete Message
you lost a hard drive, that bites .

I was lookn at q3demo but got scared off by the 50mb+ download.

Does it play online ?


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Follower of Athlon
posted November 21, 1999 04:34     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
yep online or lan. quite a game. they gave another level in this one.

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Follower of Athlon
posted November 21, 1999 13:07     Click Here to See the Profile for Voriax     Edit/Delete Message

louis'wu, have you tried any benchmarks? does other programs like games run slowly on your system? From your posts it looks like you are doing everything right, so perhaps you have a defect chip or defect MB? Perhaps you should try to find an utility program that tests whether the CPU/MB caches work ok, and that memory works ok. www.winfiles.com has a load of utilities, check there first.


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Shoe Lace
Follower of Athlon
posted November 21, 1999 22:56     Click Here to See the Profile for Shoe Lace     Edit/Delete Message
i think you might find its due to your system bus (FSB) being set at only 66Mhz. its because SETI is so memory dependant that'll cause a LOT of problems.
if you could change your system from 5x66 to 4x83 (or even 4x75 and under clock it). my k62-300 (4x75) does seti WU in around 24-28 hrs (or did last time .. doing CSC for DCypher.net now).

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Celeron Worshipper
posted November 30, 1999 23:27     Click Here to See the Profile for louis`wu     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you all for your replies. In case anyone is interested, here are the 'results', such as they are...

Voriax had the most useful suggestion. Starting with various testing & benchmarking utilities from winfiles.com and also from SiSoft Sandra Pro 99, it seems that Hewlett Packard pulled a cheap-ass maneuver with this machine. The bus & memory access is too slow for this CPU, but the main problem is the SiS 5597/98 chipset. I don't play the big, high FPU games, which is why I wasn't aware of this previously. I've got the machine stripped & lean & optimized in every way that a dozen expert sites reccommend, and it performs very well indeed in all but Memory--FPU:

<<< Memory Benchmark >>>
My HP sys AMD K6-2 333 w/SiS 5597/98: CPU/Mem: 26 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 27 MB/s
Intel PII 450, BX, 128MB SDRAM, 512K: CPU/Mem: 290 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 270 MB/s
AMD K6-2 400, MVP3, 128MB SDRAM, 512k: CPU/Mem: 100 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 105 MB/s
P266MMX, iTX, 64M EDO, 512K PB: CPU/Mem: 103 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 105 MB/s
IDT WinChip2 266, 64MB EDO, 512K PB: CPU/Mem: 92 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 98 MB/s

While it passes all other tests with flying colors, in the upper bounds of it's generation of CPU--especially after my optimization efforts; in this one SETI@home critical area, it seriously sucks. I've brought my average WU times down from ~59 hours to ~53 hours, but this seems to be the best I'm gonna get out of it. So, my sys is running everything else I do like greased lightning, and my personal contribution to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence will just have to take longer per work unit...

Again, thanx for the replies, especially to Voriax. louis`wu

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Clint Strickland
Follower of Athlon
posted December 01, 1999 20:37     Click Here to See the Profile for Clint Strickland     Edit/Delete Message
Time to purchase a better motherboard, 1meg of l2 cache would do you nice.. for seti. 21-22 hrs is a nice mark for the 333. BTW, the SIS (sandra) program always reports low memory thru-put on my AMD's as well, this has been posted to the coders of the sandra program by more than one upset person , also my machines dont score well either.. my 300 has scores like yours but it does a unit under 24 hrs.

[This message has been edited by Clint Strickland (edited December 01, 1999).]

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Celeron Worshipper
posted December 01, 1999 23:23     Click Here to See the Profile for louis`wu     Edit/Delete Message
Thanx for your reply Clint--

Yeah, no doubt about it, this sys needs a replacement of the cheap-shit MB that HP gave it. But, since this machine does everything, for now anyway, that I need it to do, the only money I want to put into it is for some more RAM. I'll save my money & build a 'rocket' from the ground up, (the only reason I got this package/OEM sys was that I stumbled on a deal I just couldn't refuse.)

As to "...the SIS (sandra) program always reports low memory thru-put...", while I don't doubt this is true, unfortunantly with this particular HP sys those same low mem-FPU results were reported by all of the various benchmark/testing apps I ran.

So, its no big deal. Everything but SETI@home runs quickly & well, ...and though I'd like to be turning in more WUs, at least I'm still able to contribute to this worthy effort!

Thanx again! ...louis`wu

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Follower of Athlon
posted December 02, 1999 03:36     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thats the main concern, contributing, even if your times per unit arent the best. good luck louis

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Celeron Worshipper
posted December 26, 1999 23:54     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
louis' wu, try buying a motherboard with a AWARD BIOS, something like a Soyo 5EMA+ that has a 1 MB cache and a maximum of 768 MB of ram (3 DIMM slots, 256 MB max per slot)

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