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Author Topic:   Top 10
Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted November 30, 1999 19:24     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Welcome to top 10 Bro.

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Priest of Athlon
posted November 30, 1999 20:59     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
good job marlin

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 01, 1999 18:12     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
you childer boys need to make some room for me up there, im going to get there within 2 months.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 01, 1999 18:51     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Come on up fredro. We hope to still be here when you arive.

[This message has been edited by Franklin A. Childers (edited December 01, 1999).]

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 01, 1999 20:01     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
frank i tried a little sneaker net last night, but i had it running as a screen saver, and one of my fellow workers was surfing the net on that particular machine, so looks like i gotta try to sqeeze 7 hrs a night out of that unit to finish by friday morning, lol. the machines a p2 350 with only 32mb ram, and they got everything under the sun running in the background. i hope to get the unit done. i see you must have gotten a couple units done on that k5 cpu, im working on a pentium 60 this weekend, see if i can build a 200 hour machine, lol hey every unit counts.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 03, 1999 20:25     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Sneaker Net or whatever it takes, one more unit is one more unit. I noticed that you about to start moving up a few notches. Keep m' crunchin.
I was talking to one of the guys in our computer support group and told him about my K5-133 and he gave me two motherboards with CPU and memory that he had in his closet at home so I will be building a K5-133 and a 486 DX100 as soon as I get the time.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 03, 1999 22:49     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thats great frank. we can always use another machine. im loading win98se on a 133@166 right now for a guy i work with. he said i can use it for a few days, so i may try to get a unit or two off. heck i might even leave it on there in screen saver mode. (there goes my fast 19 hour times) hehehe
i still need to find some ambition to build the 60mhz pentium, also im trying to find a good bx motherboard cheap, i got a 433mhz celeron here that needs to be working, but i dont have a motherboard. anyone out there got a bx motherboard for sale?

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 04, 1999 19:11     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Fredro, I have a 433 Celeron that will do a unit in about 15 hours, so It's not all bad. Once I put another fan in it I will over clock it and see what it will do.
Also found out why Marlin has not posted, he is in the middle of moving.
Congrats on your move up.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 04, 1999 22:13     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
marlins moving, and still crunching? now thats dedication. hats off to marlin. im ordering a soyo tek sy6ba+lll 440bx mobo for the 433 this week. $89 dollars on pricewatch. i had the 433 running 541mhz on a aopen ax63, but the times arent very good on the via chipset. 16 to 17 hours. so i got a 366 oc to 550mhz on that board right now, does a unit in 14 to 15 hrs. from what ive been reading on other boards, the celeron 450`s are getting 9 1/2 to 10 hours a unit. only thing i can figure is via chipset, is kinda weak, or aopen put out a bad ax63 motherboard. heck my little k6-2 450@500 will do a unit in 15-1/2 to 16hrs.
i wonder if jubes going to let me pass him up? better get her cranking jube, im closing in.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 06, 1999 21:01     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
ok frank, i got a cyrix pr200 crunching away right now. looks like 47 hours a unit. might get a extra 3 units a week. now maybe i can concentrate on getting that pentium 60 built. one of my freinds donated 4 486 sx motherboards and cpu`s, but i dont know if i wanna spend the money for cases, memory, and nics? im going to a computer show in columbus this weekend, i will have to see what kind of deals i can get.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 10, 1999 17:32     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
fredro's tied for 15th place, la da da da de!
fredro's tied for 15th place, la ~~~~~~~~~~~!
(sad attempt at humorus tune)

Soon to take it I am sure and soon to be in
the top 10. <G> Keep'em crunching guy.

There is a lot of activity on the Team these
days! GREAT BALLS OF FIRE things are a happening. Ain't it GREAT!!!

- Frank

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 10, 1999 18:37     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
yes i noticed that the team has really been cranking the last few days. good job team. i would like to be in the top 10, at least until someone were to bump me out. i put a cyrix pr 200, and a intel 166mmx online here, they each have crunched 2 units so far. tomarrows the big computer show in columbus. i may have another project to put online.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 10, 1999 20:16     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Glad to hear you have added machine, I have yet to add the two that I brought home. Having all kinds of problems getting them up and running, will troubleshoot them this week end, I hope.

Where are they having the computer show at ?

Later - Frank

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 10, 1999 21:43     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
the computer show is at the veterens memorial in columbus ohio. ive never been there, but i hear its a fairly good show.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 11, 1999 04:29     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
Oh boy team 3dnow was rocking yesterday. 449 units turned in. everyone extend your right arm, bend your right elbow,reach your right hand behind your left shoulder, and pat your back. wonderful!

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Follower of Athlon
posted December 12, 1999 04:29     Click Here to See the Profile for Argos     Edit/Delete Message
Hey fredro, are you still working on that 200 hour system? It would be interesting to see who could build the slowest system...let's see I've got an old Timex Sinclair that I might be able to get SETI to run on, or maybe that old 8086 system that's in the closet...but seriously, I'm so desperate for WU's that I put together a 486-DX4 100 with 16MB of RAM, running Linux (I hope I can bump this up a little bit...but where to find some parity RAM for cheap???). This system promises to do a WU in about 200+ hours. I also have some older systems that I might put Linux on and try to get some WU's from. I'm still leary of over-clocking my systems. If I fry one, I would be very unhappy Can anyone tell me about the longevity of their over-clocked systems? I'd be interested in knowing what it takes to over-clock a system, and keep it up and running. Anyone care to share any info???

[This message has been edited by Argos (edited December 12, 1999).]

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 12, 1999 10:18     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
it may be a week or more before i build the pentium60, i got a couple computers to build for friends, and a networking job to do for another. overclocking? yehhhhh. AMD 450@504 was running 500 for a couple months. intel 366@550 for a couple months. intel 433@541 for a month, amd 266@300 for a while, then started having problems, cyrix pr233(188mhz) ran it at 225mhz(pr300) for a year. intel 133@166 for a year.
keep em crunching argos, your doing great.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 13, 1999 21:13     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
we are doing great getting units out. we lost 2 members today, ratdog and mark2112. they had a lot of units, but i think we can make a comeback. keep up the good work people.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 14, 1999 03:34     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
welcome to the top 100 jacob frost.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 14, 1999 19:06     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Welcome to 14 th place fredro, top 10 just around the corner. - Frank

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 14, 1999 21:12     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thanks frank, and im coming. i just built a celeron 466 for a freind,, got it up and crunching seti to break it in. should be able to get a couple units off before he comes to pick it up.

[This message has been edited by fredro (edited December 14, 1999).]

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 23, 1999 17:54     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
*FREDRO*, Hit the mark.
Welcome to the top 10 guy...
crunch m' - crunch m' - crunch m'
Lets rock
- Frank

btw if you have never tried linux you are missing out, even if you dump it later. It's
a must try. http://www.slackware.com has a file 'zipslack.zip' that has a ver of linux that will exist on a fat / fat32 disk without having to partition the hard drive.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 24, 1999 08:38     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thanks frank. been running these computers hard for the last 3 months. thought i would slow down a little bit when i hit 10th place, but i see a rising star coming up at an incredible pace. Tsardounis Costas is averaging 17 to 20 units a day. good work tsardounis! looks like im gonna have to work harder just to stay here in the top10. its better for the team to work harder anyways is that linux hard to install? i tryed downloading it, but gozilla keeps stepping in and wanting to get a whole bunch of files.
well merry christmas to everyone on the team, and all who read this.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 24, 1999 10:37     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
Getting there is half the fun, holding it is the other half. I have the same problem you have, PThor and EponymousBosch are crankin m' out and gaining ground so I can't slack off. Even so I do manage to put out a few DCypher unit and am holding 922 nd place in the top 1,000 users at home on Seti.

Is linux hard to install ? Yes-No. Pick one. Kidding aside a lot depends on your system and how well you know it. Note: If you download the zipslack.zip file, unzip it in the root dir on the drive that you want to use it on, ie c:\ - it will create c:\linux and all the sub directories that it needs. Then print out all the readme's.

When you user Gozilla hold down the ALT key when you click on something to download, should keep it from kicking in.

Marry Christmas to all...


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Priest of Athlon
posted December 24, 1999 00:04     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thanks for the tip on gozilla. downloading zipslack right now. i gotta go xmas shopping soon, hopefully after the boys open their gifts tonight, and mama goes to sleep, i can experiment with it. i need to get some more speed outta these sytems so i can do some "long overdo" defraging, formating, and so forth. heck i got my celeron 366@567 right now, with a big 19 inch fan blowing into the case to keep it cool. hehe got the 433@541 took the huge heatsink and fan off my amd to keep that one cool, and backed the amd 450 back down from 504 to448. still got the rest of them at stock speeds though.
did you get a email from seti about version 2.0 coming soon? hopefully i wont have to babysit these machines as much.

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Follower of Athlon
posted December 26, 1999 23:38     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
Could anyone explain why a AMD K6-2 500 does a work unit in about 18.5 to 19.5 hours, this is with 128 MB of 168 pin SDRAM set to turbo timing in the BIOS, the front side bus and memory speed are set to 100 MHz. The manufacturer of the motherboard www.soyo.com.tw (Soyo 5EMA+) says the maximum frontside bus speed is 124 MHz, but doesn't state how to set the multiplier for that speed.

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 03:40     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
well danball, the way i understand it is, the faster the fsb, the higher the performance rating. pretty cool. i know sisoft sandra shows my celeron a pr 600+

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Follower of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 06:10     Click Here to See the Profile for daviddth     Edit/Delete Message
You top 10 boys (And girls?) better watch out - I'm heading on up... I'm in the 99% area with 544 WU's and about another 40 to upload. (Make that 554 now, and still uploading....) Dont suppose there's a Tshirt for the quickest run into, then outof the top 10 :-)

Alas it will not last - maybe another few hundred WU's, and then it's back to my 2/day... I managed to hijack the server at work while the CLO is on holidays over Christmas, and have some 70 PC's getting about 1.2WU/day average for the next few days at least.

Oh well, what he does not know... :-)

David (At about 13th and climbing when the stats are recalculated)


[This message has been edited by daviddth (edited December 27, 1999).]

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 06:54     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
daviddth, I looked you are in 9 th place. Rock m'. Let have Christmas all year long !
Can you figure out a way to hijack the systems overnight or on weekends ? Sure would be a nice addition and it looks like just 2 days a week would put you in 1 st place rather quickly. Go for it.
- Frank

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Priest of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 07:15     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! merry christmas! whoooo hooooooooo great work daviddth. we need more holidays.

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Follower of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 17:58     Click Here to See the Profile for daviddth     Edit/Delete Message

I was lucky to be able to do it at all. we use a weekly random password on the system, and the CLO is off to New Zealand for a week over the christmas break. I get to watch the system from home for him :-)

Alas he will be back New years eve, when the password will expire and I wont have more access...


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Priest of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 19:31     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
tell him if he ever needs a babysitter again, you`ll be happy to help him out. hehehe

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted December 27, 1999 19:35     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
daviddth, well at least you got some use out of it and hopefully there will be other opportunities. -Frank

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Follower of Athlon
posted December 28, 1999 01:04     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
Would a SiS 6326 AGP 2x video card with 8 MB of video ram have any affect of how fast SETI@home runs? It is capable of 1600x1200. I have had this custom built system (built by me, but the video card came with the pre-assembled kit) since April 99, but I bought a 10 year old monitor that is only capable of 800x600.

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 03, 2000 17:37     Click Here to See the Profile for daviddth     Edit/Delete Message
Well I just uploaded what will probably be the last group of results from work (I may be able to get a few more still, but it's only a MAYBE), and managed 770 WU's.

The thing I noted though is that I'm now in the top 10,000 people :-) 9882 to be exact, so my question is - what position are you guys with 1000+ WU's in?


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Priest of Athlon
posted January 03, 2000 18:56     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
great work daviddth. hey other good news..........did you see the stats page? got the top200 users rather than just 100.

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Franklin A. Childers
Follower of Athlon
posted January 03, 2000 19:53     Click Here to See the Profile for Franklin A. Childers     Edit/Delete Message
daviddth, Great download. Hope you get your hands on the office computers again.

As for what place, tied with 4 others at 3397 place with 1585 work_units. 99.783%
Also in 921 st place on the top 1000 users at home listing. Would be doing better but had a 4 day shut down at work for Y2K.

General info: Link

It seem to be updated real time and shows the top 200 team users.


[This message has been edited by Franklin A. Childers (edited January 03, 2000).]

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 04:06     Click Here to See the Profile for Pieter     Edit/Delete Message
well im not top ten but within top 100K of users


Pieter :*)

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Priest of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 07:16     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
pieter, you have a athlon correct? im getting one soon, and i need some wisdom!
what motherboard would you recomend, and for what reasons? i need to make some space in this house, so i think im going to replace a few 166mhz cpu`s. thanks.

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 07:18     Click Here to See the Profile for daviddth     Edit/Delete Message
The top 200 is great, and I like the fast updates, rather than having to wait 24 hours (Like I still have to do with the Country Listing).

Pieter, that's a great place to be... <Grin>

Franklin, I have - 2 more days worth, and I'm uploading the results now. I MAY be able to crack the 1000 before I get shut out again, but it's starting to get hard - you see, the way I have to do it is to d/l a heap of WU's to my home PC, log on to work, upload them to the PC's individually, then grab the finished WU's at a later stage the same way.

It takes a few hours, but while I'm on holidays I think why not :-)

Besides, it's all for science (and it's not hurting the team or my stats at all too!)


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High Priest of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 10:42     Click Here to See the Profile for Armin     Edit/Delete Message
For Athlon mobos I think I can recommend the MSI 6167. It's decent enough that Kryotech uses it in the Super G and cheap enough that you won't mourn too much when you replace it with a KX133 board once those are out.

Just make sure to buy PC133 SDRAM to take along

I also like the ASUS K7M, but it's not a board I'd want to replace for all the gimmicks it has included already.

I'm also using a Biostar model here and had a Gigabyte, but the former has not enough BIOS tweaks and the latter perished from the power load of the CPU fans, so I won't recommend them too much.

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 13:15     Click Here to See the Profile for NormanK     Edit/Delete Message
I'd recommend the 6167 110%! I've never(!!) seen an email-support that good, fast and competent.
ASUS on the other hands keeps ignoring my mails asking for assistance...
So guess what I'm selling...

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 13:25     Click Here to See the Profile for Pieter     Edit/Delete Message
Well mainboard wise i own a msi 6167.(since i heard that there arent any more bad mainboards around (cept for fic's SD-11 which is a sorta pre release board). Generaly the Asus will do also fine only quircks(which can be fixed with a flashing of the bios) are that it sometimes doesnt like the keyboard.

When buying/building an Athlon be sure u get a good 300watt+ psu http://www.amd.com/athlon . A stacked normal pc will function fine on a 235watt psu but NOT the Athlon!


Pieter :*)

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Priest of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 14:25     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thankyou for the replys armin, normank, and pieter. theres another computer show in columbus ohio the 15th and 16th of this month, and if i scroung enough $ im going to buy the cpu, or the motherboard, then on the 14th of february theres another show, and my incometax return will be here, thats when i`ll build it.

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 04, 2000 22:26     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
By the way, my video card at 320x420 does 32 frames per second, at 640x480 does 28 frames per second, and at 800x600 does 10 to 15 frames per second, it is a SiS 6326 AGP 2X video card with 8 MB RAM, produced Aug. 1998. I'm wondering if this affects SETI@home's time.

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Priest of Athlon
posted January 05, 2000 00:18     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
danball, i think the only way it would have a effect on seti is if you was doing the screen saver. (someone correct me if im wrong)

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 05, 2000 22:27     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
Fredro, I do have the screen saver as the windows blankscreen screensaver. And my video card only has a heat sink and no fan

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Wish I had an Athlon
posted January 06, 2000 23:15     Click Here to See the Profile for Masoch     Edit/Delete Message
Damn it, Fredro, stop trying to catch up to me! I'm gonna have to find more pIII's at work to start hammering away now! The nerve!


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Priest of Athlon
posted January 07, 2000 01:35     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
hehehe, im gonna push ya all the way to the top. your doing a heck of a job holding me back. please dont give up.

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Priest of Athlon
posted January 21, 2000 00:37     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
got my w2 form tonight. i`ll try to get h&r block on it monday morning, hopefully get my money back by friday, go athlon shopping saturday, and possibly be crunching by sunday evening, if nothing comes up.

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Follower of Athlon
posted January 21, 2000 02:16     Click Here to See the Profile for Pieter     Edit/Delete Message
Fredro check http://www.ocpower.com before u go shopping. :-)


Pieter :*)

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Priest of Athlon
posted January 21, 2000 13:08     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thankyou for the link pieter. theres a lot of helpful information there. i hope they have one of those goldfingers devices in my area, although i probebly wont overclock the athlon for at least a week. no it will be more like a couple months. i seen the price of a 600mhz is down to 216 and 40 bucks shipping & handleing. that may be the route i go. i`ll know more after i see how much my return is.

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Priest of Athlon
posted February 06, 2000 23:13     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
ok, here we go. saturday i took a trip to mentor ohio, 130 miles away to get my ahtlon. the websight said they were open 10 to 5 on saturdays. i got there at 3 oclock, and they was closed, the sign on the door said open 10 to 5. so i drive another 30 miles to solon ohio, the same thing, websight and the front door said 10 to 5, but they werent open. so its 4:30, im 150 miles from home, and disapointed. i get home, and decide to go to mansfield 20 miles away, i go into curcuit city. only one athlon system. a compaq 700mhz loaded for $1999. (way outta my budget) i go next door to a local dealer. he has a 550mhz athlon system, built by himself. $1659 it had the fic mobo voodoo3 3k 96mb ram ect ect. he says here play some unreal. i say ok, it was fast, i got to looking, he had quake3 (my favorite) so i play it, god waz it fast. blows my celeron 550 away. when i exited the game, i got errors, lots of errors. he seen them and walked away, i laughed and said "no thanks, i`ll build my own."
heres where it gets interesting. my freind whom i work with, said he wants a system built, and if i build it for him, i can use his credit card to order my stuff online. so monday morning, im ordering the athlon 600, asustek k7m, 128mb pc133, and a case with 300 watt ps. i have heard doublesided memory sticks dont work with the k7m. does anyone know if this is true? and what do they call singlesided memory? any help will be appreciated. thanks.

[This message has been edited by fredro (edited February 06, 2000).]

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Follower of Athlon
posted February 06, 2000 23:42     Click Here to See the Profile for Pieter     Edit/Delete Message
crosspost this one on the .net counterpart bound to get a reply there.

I can say only one thing K7PRO superbypass enabled system allows fsb oc'ing http://www.msi.com.tw .

Please please please, check it out before u go buy the asus.

Im considering the mainboard myself and i was/am quite happy with my MSI 6167. The K7Pro is a 4 layer amd chipset based board.

Dont know what superbypass enable is checkout Slota.com or tomshardware they have a section on it (slota.com being in the review of the KX133). It does make a hell of a difference!


Pieter :*)

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Priest of Athlon
posted February 07, 2000 01:15     Click Here to See the Profile for fredro     Edit/Delete Message
thanks again piter, just read the snipplet on it. this is just going to be a tempoary mobo, until abit comes out with a mobo for k7`s. (if they do) i always liked abit, abit and asus are pretty common around here. i got 2 abits running here at the moment, stable as can be. (ockd celery 366@523 433@488) let ya know, what i finally order tommarow night.

get seti here http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu / join team 3dnow here http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/cgi?cmd=team_lookup&name=team+3dnow%21

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Follower of Athlon
posted February 07, 2000 04:10     Click Here to See the Profile for NormanK     Edit/Delete Message
Since my upgrade to Athlon I'm really sure ASUS *SUCKS*! I've heard of these problems before, but after installing my new MSI I've only had 640x480x16. I've asked MSI and I've asked Asus (graphics card). I got the answers from MSI app. 6 hours later (this was standard, we mailed for some time, but couldn't fix it). That's now 4 months ago. Still waiting for Asus...
BTW: had to reinstall (what else...)

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Membaca review slot online bisa menjadi panduan yang sangat berguna. Review sering kali memberikan informasi tentang RTP slot tertinggi dan pengalaman pemain sebelumnya. Dengan memilih slot gacor yang telah direkomendasikan, peluang untuk menang dapat meningkat. Jadi, jangan lewatkan untuk memeriksa ulasan sebelum mulai bermain.

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