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Get 3DNow! Message Board Team 3DNow! SETI Tracking daily WU's for Team members? |
Author | Topic: Tracking daily WU's for Team members? |
Burm Follower of Athlon |
posted January 10, 2000 23:04
Does anyone have some charts/stats that show how many WU's each member is doing each day? It's too time consuming to plot everyone's movement each day so I can't readily see whose moving along other than noting whether or not I'm gaining on the person just ahead of me. ------------------ IP: Logged |
fredro Priest of Athlon |
posted January 10, 2000 23:08
the easiest way(i have found) to do that is to print the stats, or save them to your desktop, and compare them. does anyone else have a better way? IP: Logged |
Sqiz Follower of Athlon |
posted January 25, 2000 17:44
SetiTEAM V1.5a is now available for download from http://www.btinternet.com/~sqiz/setiteam.html This was a major rewrite to allow it to work with statistics pages as well as teams, and makes allowances for the recent changes in some of the results page layouts (until they change them again for some reason - V2.0 ? - LOL). Why should I use it ? #> Who added the most units to your team yesterday okay, you get the idea - now try the program ! Sqiz [WU:637] IP: Logged |
Pieter Follower of Athlon |
posted January 25, 2000 18:16
sounds that would be very nice, fredro ? ------------------ Pieter :*) IP: Logged |
fredro Priest of Athlon |
posted January 25, 2000 23:37
the way it looks you anyone can download the program, all you need to do is put in the team id# which is 15538. its got some really nice charts. btw, thanks squiz [This message has been edited by fredro (edited January 26, 2000).] IP: Logged |
daviddth Follower of Athlon |
posted January 27, 2000 03:39
Sounds great fredro - keep an eye out for a heap more WU's in a few small jumps from me - I'm back at work, and have limited server access again (Evil grin) I have 2 days worth to send in now, but only about 43 PC's this time, and I have to take the WU's in on floppy (ARGH!), but they DO pay me for doing it I cant run V2 yet, as it's on the new "Banned list" from the server -it simply runs for about 10 secs, then is automatically stopped, but luckily the 1.3 CLI is not on there, so I can do it for a few more days till they stop with 1.x WU's. David (Madly catching up on 4 days of backlog here) IP: Logged |
fredro Priest of Athlon |
posted January 27, 2000 10:15
thats great david. maybe we can catch team furseti again. all that hard work pays off for you though, you may take #1 position soon. IP: Logged |
Sqiz Follower of Athlon |
posted January 27, 2000 18:53
My apologies, I was unable to test SetiTEAM through a proxy and I got my ports crossed. This is now fixed in version 1.5b which also corrects an exotic bug that could cause two unrelated teams to be automatically compared ! http://www.btinternet.com/~sqiz/setiteam.html IP: Logged |
fredro Priest of Athlon |
posted January 28, 2000 04:00
burm, have you tried this program sqiz linked us to? i like it a lot. its much easier than the way i was doing it. has anyone else used it? IP: Logged |
Pieter Follower of Athlon |
posted January 29, 2000 16:32
i wonder if someone can run that program 24/7 on his homepage ?? ------------------ Pieter :*) IP: Logged |
fredro Priest of Athlon |
posted January 30, 2000 11:30
did you run it pieter? i like it and use it daily now to see "who`s naughty and nice" hehe IP: Logged |
Pieter Follower of Athlon |
posted January 30, 2000 18:41
no, currently im having partition problems, my hd crashed during last week, im still trying to recover some parts, i need to finish it up. Meaning reinstalling some parts and so on. ------------------ Pieter :*) IP: Logged |
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