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Get 3DNow! Message Board Team 3DNow! SETI SetiDriver fun |
Author | Topic: SetiDriver fun |
Masoch Follower of Athlon |
posted September 07, 2000 10:19
Hi folks, Ya'll might want to check out SetiDriver, http://home.sprintmail.com/~obermd/SETIDriver / ... it's a gui caching client for the cli. But, more importantly, if you're running a herd o' boxen connected to each other on a network, it can let you have a bunch of cached WU's and only 1 installed copy of the cli and SetiDriver on one box. If you share your Seti directory, any machine that can see the share can run SetiDriver. It works like so: SetiDriver stores each WU in its own subdir [1, 2, 3 ...]. When SD starts, it looks for the oldest available WU in the subdirs. If a WU is locked (ie., in use by another instance of SD), it goes to the next subdir. Slick. In theory, you can have 20 boxen connected to one server hammering at Seti ... with none of the boxen having installed Seti. A couple folks on alt.sci.seti are doing this with fab results. One caveat: all machines should be set to the same time. This is easy enough to do with the command "net time \\<server_name> /set /y". If you put that command into a .bat file and have it run at startup, it'll set the time of that machine your server's time. If you're in a lab environment and have many boxen crossing your desk, this is a great way to run Seti w/o installing it ... Masoch IP: Logged |
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