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Author Topic:   Big Time Outage
Follower of Athlon
posted February 28, 2001 18:34     Click Here to See the Profile for Savine     Edit/Delete Message
I was wondering why I couldn't even get the Seti@home website yesterday. Looks like someone cut the fiber optic line. Sounds like a Roswell cover up to me. Right now the following message is on http://www.net.berkeley.edu/setiathome /

At about 3:30 AM PST on 27 February an optical fiber cable connecting the U.C. Berkeley campus with the
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was cut, apparently by vandals trying to "salvage" copper from other
nearby cables.

The broken fiber carries data and voice connections for LBNL and also for the Space Sciences Lab. SSL is where
the SETI@Home project is located, so the millions of participants helping to analyze data have been unable to
contact the SETI@Home servers for more than a day.

Contractors are pulling new cable now. It's expected that service to SSL will be restored by Friday, 2 March 2001.
We'll update this page as we learn more about the progress of the repairs.

IP: Logged

Follower of Athlon
posted March 01, 2001 05:57     Click Here to See the Profile for wl6538     Edit/Delete Message
"Somebody set up us the bomb!"

Yes I have 3 WU waiting in the queue, but my 486 is still happily crunching along at its 130 hrs analysis.

"Vandals" cut up the cabe? I cam imagine a street gang saying "who wants to cut up some Internet copper cable today?"

IP: Logged

Wish I had an Athlon
posted March 02, 2001 14:58     Click Here to See the Profile for Martin     Edit/Delete Message
No more unit left to crunch, 14unit waiting to upload. My Athlon 650 is now having a nice sleep at night, 24hrs 7days a week for the last 8 months, with no down time, CPU dedication: 91.2%, Seti@Home

Martin & Jeremy ,Athlon 650mhz, & new 750mhz Duron @950mhz,100mhz Bus, 200ddr.(K6-2/550) upgrade to new TBird 900mhz

[This message has been edited by Martin (edited April 03, 2001).]

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Follower of Athlon
posted March 03, 2001 12:44     Click Here to See the Profile for daviddth     Edit/Delete Message
I was lucky - I had been playing with the cache settings on SetiGate just before the outage, and instead of the usual 5 WU's for the Celeron 500 & 3 WU's for the k6-2-400, I doubled the number I had cached on both.

I still have 3 left on the Celeron (13hrs/wu) & 3 on the k6-2 (25hrs/wu), so I still have almost 2 days left before I get upset.


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Follower of Athlon
posted March 03, 2001 01:42     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
I have 5 WU's waiting on my system, and 1 on my older K6-2 500 system. I just want them to get this done as quickly as possible.

Duron 600@900 1.620v, 3.30v I/O
CoolerMaster DP5-6H51 HSF
256MB (2x128) KingMax TinyBGA PC150
Creative Labs 52x CD-ROM as master on IDE 1
Iomega Zip250 as master on IDE 2
Panasonic LS-120 IDE as slave on IDE 2
Western Digital 20.5GB UDMA66, 5400RPM as master on IDE 3
Creative Labs 3D Blaster Annihilator2 MX, 32MB DDR, AGP4x
Creative Labs Sound Blaster PCI128 in slot 3
3COM/USR 2977 56k/v90 Hardware PCI modem in slot 6

IP: Logged

Wish I had an Athlon
posted March 03, 2001 17:07     Click Here to See the Profile for Martin     Edit/Delete Message
Seti Back on line, 10.05pm uk time.
http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu /

BERKELEY NETWORK OUTAGE NEWS: Around 11:00 GMT (3:00am PST) on Tuesday, February 27, 2001, network fibers were broken, cutting off the entire Space Sciences Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Labs from the internet. The SETI@home website and data server were unaccessible for several days during the entire length of the outage. Due to the large bandwidth SETI@home requires, it may be as long as 24-48 hours after the Space Lab comes back on-line before the data server is fully functional and accepting all connections.

Just uploaded my 14units to seti@home time taken 1.17min, server very slow!!! (time now 12.20am uk-time).


[This message has been edited by Martin (edited March 03, 2001).]

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Follower of Athlon
posted March 03, 2001 20:35     Click Here to See the Profile for Savine     Edit/Delete Message
Yep, it looks like we're back in business boys and girls. The Seit websight works. I just tried uploading some WU's and I could not upload all of them. That is to be expected. When you think about it, this whole situation is pretty amazing. If Seti was a dot com their stock price would be a fire sale right now. As is I bet all this fiber optic work on a Saturday cost Berkley a pretty penny. All because of some bums stealing copper. Oh how fragil the digital word is.

IP: Logged

Follower of Athlon
posted March 04, 2001 02:03     Click Here to See the Profile for DanBall     Edit/Delete Message
I was able to download all 5 WU's for my machine.

Duron 600@900 1.620v, 3.30v I/O
CoolerMaster DP5-6H51 HSF
256MB (2x128) KingMax TinyBGA PC150
Creative Labs 52x CD-ROM as master on IDE 1
Iomega Zip250 as master on IDE 2
Panasonic LS-120 IDE as slave on IDE 2
Western Digital 20.5GB UDMA66, 5400RPM as master on IDE 3
Creative Labs 3D Blaster Annihilator2 MX, 32MB DDR, AGP4x
Creative Labs Sound Blaster PCI128 in slot 3
3COM/USR 2977 56k/v90 Hardware PCI modem in slot 6

IP: Logged

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