Supported by

AMD Insider
Italian 3DNow! Zone
AMD Appreciation
JC's PC News
Linux 3D Gaming
QuakeCity Network
BX Boards
Coyote's Den
PC Benchmarks
3DNow! UK
Dimension 128
Rapide PC
Generation AMD
AMD 3DNow! Poland
Savage Daily News
Quantum Studios
Ultimate 3D
Planet 3DNow!
Savage News
Mic's 3DZone
Tweeker Guides
The Upgradecenter
TechReview Malaysia
Buenos Aires Tweaking
Møller's Tech Page
Chip Geeks
Screaming 3D
Silicon Dreams
JSI Hardware

The Campaign for the Proliferation of 3DNow!tm Support



Individual Supporters

Individuals wishing to contribute to the site with articles, word of mouth, a subscription to our campaign mailing list, a link on their homepage, forum postings or just their daily visit are the foundation of this Initiative! Your first step should be your subscription to our campaign petition list and - if you wish - to our newsletter mailing list.

If you wish to take a more active role, please let know what you are offering and we'll see how to put you to work to the best of your abilities and our needs. If you wish to comment on the website and make suggestions for improvement, talk to , our webmaster.

If you have news on 3DNow!, place them on our forum where the supporting webmasters can grab them and post them on their sites!

Supporting Websites

Everyone knows that getting heard is the first step to moving things. On the WWW this means getting linked to, plain and simple.

If 3DNow!-gamers are supposed to become a specific, valuable market to game companies and for the hardware makers, our campaign must meet its mission of promoting the technological merits and make 3DNow! support an integral essential of marketing efforts for these companies.

As implementation of 3DNow! support is a cost factor, this requires a lot of convincing work with which we need your help.

We have to rally a large crowd of supporters behind the initiative to show these people that their quality support of 3DNow! is an innovative benefit that makes it easier to sell their product and sell it in larger quantities than they were able before. If it puts money in their bag, they will build it.

It also means clueing in a lot of hapless Windows players that they have a secret treasure dozing in their CPUs that can be unlocked and greatly improves their experience by speeding up their mellow retail shelf computer - they must be told that their car has 5 instead of 3 gears!

If you are a webmaster or editor-in-chief of a gaming or hardware website with relevance to 3D gaming, you are in a key position to make this initiative succeed, you will do your readership a lot of good for which they will become more loyal to your website - and it will make your site look good for picking up such a good cause of the community. How can you miss out?

Additionally you'll benefit from your participation by having your banner (standard static ad banner) shown on the pages of www.3DNow.Org for free, which will make you more widely known and gets you additional readers. All supporting websites will receive equal, randomized exposure.

In turn we ask that you will display your support by carrying a button sized badge on your main page (and others, if you like), which we'll supply for linking from www.3DNow.Org to keep it cost neutral for you and make it possible to change the design without a lot of distributed updating hassle.

If you do review work, we ask that you give a bonus for 3DNow! support of products and withhold your top honors for products that do not support 3DNow! out of the box, this will be a strong incentive for manufacturers to act as it will mean a competitive advantage!

Finally, www.3DNow.Org will not compete with you on news or reviews, we'll bring the work of all contributors to focus - we're a directory and information repository. www.3DNow.Org leaves all reviews to the supporting websites and covers daily news only relevant to the campaign, this will not hurt you.

If there is enough interest, we'll give each supporting website an account on the news script to post their review links that make special mentioning of 3DNow! support.

If I convinced you to join forces with us, .

Industry Supporters

If you have a commercial interest in 3DNow!, you are likely to have the ability to support this initiative with high quality information relevant to our cause or even drivers or games themselves.

This makes you valuable for the community as it grows and gives you a competitive advantage if you get aboard and distinguish yourself from the "I don't care" competition. Remember, users of alternative CPUs - and only those run 3DNow! - are a discriminating and active bunch. They may not be the easiest customers but the ones with the fiercest loyality in the face of adversities - you should see about tying them to your brand.

We are not stupid and realize that the business world is not giving out freebies, so our deal is that if you make these things available to the community we will list your product in our hardware or games section and mark it with a nice fat green traffic light, showing that you are a 3DNow! supporter and recommendable to 3DNow! users.

If you wish to arrange for reviews of products, we'll hook you up with supporting websites that will honor your efforts to include 3DNow! support that others would overlook.

The larger we get, the more people you'll reach, the more your participation will pay off for a tiny investment. Do the math. Get in on it right now. .

Active supporters of www.3DNow.Org:

Supported by

AMD Insider
Italian 3DNow! Zone
AMD Appreciation
JC's PC News
Linux 3D Gaming
QuakeCity Network
BX Boards
Coyote's Den
PC Benchmarks
3DNow! UK
Dimension 128
Rapide PC
Generation AMD
AMD 3DNow! Poland
Savage Daily News
Quantum Studios
Ultimate 3D
Planet 3DNow!
Savage News
Mic's 3DZone
Tweeker Guides
The Upgradecenter
TechReview Malaysia
Buenos Aires Tweaking
Møller's Tech Page
Chip Geeks
Screaming 3D
Silicon Dreams
JSI Hardware

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